End of Year Summary 2023

College Square PTO End -of-Year Summary


Good Morning CS Families! We had an amazing year as a PTO. Thank you so much for the donations of time and items for our students and staff. Below is a rough overview of the financials for 2022-2023.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Have a fun and safe summer!
2022-2023 PTO Finances Quick-Look
$13,135.85 from the Fall Fun Run
$3,891.03 from the Spring Rosalind Candy fundraiser
$2,608.00 from the Joe Corbi’s fundraiser
$2,194.43 from Family Fun Engagement Events
$2,025.27 from the School Store fundraiser
$2,016.99 from the Spiritwear fundraiser
$1,057.00 in Membership Dues
$12,044.31 on Field Trips (Estimating Transportation costs pending billing)
$3,643.08 for Teacher Supplies and Allotments
$2,488.84 for Second Grade Move-up
$1,187.26 for PTO Admin (Taxes, Insurance, Website, Paper, etc.)
$1,017.58 for Staff Appreciation
As a note, $4,069.50 was spent in the 22-23 budget year on items approved in the 21-22 school year (Purple Playground Mulch, Recess equipment, Teacher Supplies, Kindergarten Registration books, Classroom library books, etc.)
We’re still crunching the numbers on Fun Day (roughly $800 spent), but the checking account balance currently stands at $13,998.32.